Areas/Regions of Interest

Open your model in Inspector (double click “” or go to Tools- Inspector in Vizard) and open your environment/scene/object model. Alternatively, if you’ve chosen to open your model automatically in Inspector you can just double click on your model to open it. Note that you can add regions of interest to either an environment or an object (for instance if you want to measure focus on an avatar's head)

Go to File-Add, and from your “utils/resources/objects” folder add the object “RegionofInterest” or "FixationRegion" to add it to your scene. 

Use the move/rotate and scale transform tools to position and scale the region to what part of the scene you wish to make into a region of interest. To do this, click on the “rootNode” under the “FixationRegion” group and use the transform tools. 

In the Scene Graph on the left, right click and rename this region to whatever title you want to give it (in this case “PeanutButter”)

Repeat this process for however many areas you want to add. You can also hold down “Shift” and move a region to automatically create a new one. 

Save your scene, and this should now show up as an area/region of interest when you run the scene. Select the environment and click “Configure” to confirm that it is selected. 

So that the region is not visible to the participant check the box next to "Visible" so that it will not be visible (but will still collect gaze data). 

To not have the region visible in the non-GUI version just add this code to set the alpha to 0

wallROI = env.getChild('wallROI')

sightlab.gazeObjectsDict = {'wallROI':wallROI}

